Sydney Theatre Company supports voting Yes to the formation of an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice.  

At STC we are privileged to work with extraordinary First Nations artists each year and are committed to sharing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander stories on our stages. These works give voice to the perspectives and experiences of First Nations People, and we believe that all Australians should listen to and learn from these perspectives and experiences.

This is why we accept the invitation expressed in the Uluru Statement from the Heart to enshrine an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice in the Constitution. As an organisation, we support both the constitutional recognition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People and the formation of an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice to give advice to Parliament on issues affecting First Nations Australians. We believe that by voting Yes on the 14th of October, current and future generations of First Nations Australians will be better empowered to make their voices heard on issues that affect their lives, their culture, and their futures. 

This referendum is an opportunity for all of us, together, to take a step toward reckoning with our shared history. We encourage everyone to learn as much as they can about this issue in the coming days so that they can vote from an informed perspective and with an open heart.

Together, we can build a nation that is kinder, fairer, and more respectful.

Vote yes. 


Uluru Statement from the Heart