STC Virtual


Welcome to Sydney Theatre Company Virtual

We’re thrilled to bring you Sydney Theatre Company Virtual — our online video series. Gathering our community of Australian theatre artists, this series is designed to plug that theatre-shaped hole in our life. Our hope is that we can all come together through art to start making sense of this new world we now find ourselves in.

Enjoy this series of short, personal videos made by some of your favourite actors, directors and writers, plus tune in for live play readings.

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Miranda Tapsell performs Wendy Mocke’s Tiger scare

► Watch now

Stephanie Somerville performs Jordyn Fulcher’s Ex Utero

► Watch now

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Priscilla Doueihy performs James Elazzi’s Lebanese BBQ

► Watch now

Catherine Văn-Davies performs a scene from Anchuli Felicia King’s White Pearl

► Watch now

Megan Wilding-400x250 Hamish-400x250

Shari Sebbens, Guy Simon and Megan Wilding perform A Little Piece of Ash by Megan Wilding

► Watch now

Hamish Michael performs a speech from How to Rule the World

► Watch now

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Tracy Mann performs a scene from Laura Wade’s Home, I’m Darling

► Watch now

Hugo Weaving performs a soliloquy from Hamlet

► Watch now

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Shari Sebbens and Luke Carroll perform a scene from Battle of Waterloo

► Watch now

Anita Hegh reads Amy and Louis

► Watch now

Shari-Black-Medea-400x250 Yael-400x250

Shari Sebbens performs Black Medea

► Watch now

Yael and Elana Stone perform a song from Frankenstein

► Watch now

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Anthony Taufa performs a monologue from Love and Information

► Watch now

Glace Chase performs a scene from Triple X

► Watch now

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Shari Sebbens and Ash Flanders perform a scene from Blackie Blackie Brown

► Watch now

Mia Wasikowska performs an excerpt from Lord of the Flies

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Shari Sebbens performs an excerpt from Stolen

► Watch now

Mandy McElhinney performing Virginia Woolf

► Watch now

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Heather Mitchell performing Noël Coward

► Watch now

Shari Sebbens performing The 7 Stages of Grieving

► Watch now

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Tim Minchin performs a scene from Hamlet

► Watch now

Helen Thomson performs a scene from Mary Stuart

► Watch now

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Charles Wu reading a selection of prose and poetry

► Watch now

Kate Mulvany reading from Ruth Park’s The Harp in the South

► Watch now


Shari Sebbens performs a scene from Black is the New White

► Watch now

Streaming archival productions

You might be wondering why we’re not streaming archival productions, and it’s a natural question. Theatre is an artform of the now. Every performance is different and helps us define and explore a particular moment in time. The experience can heighten our empathy and help us gain insight into how we collectively navigate our shared situation.
Our performances are recorded for archival purposes – to document the work for posterity and to have a record to guide any remounts. They are not recorded at anywhere near the quality that would be required for public viewing. We also do not have the rights from playwrights and other artists to make them publicly accessible. In any case, the purpose of STC Virtual is not to replace theatre to mimic the experience of a show, but to enable a continuing, personal connection between artists and audiences. A connection that is relevant for who we are and what we are all going through together now. It is also an opportunity where we can continue to provide our artists with some employment.

The future of theatre is in our hands

Our STC Virtual series is a key initiative in keeping our community of artists and audiences connected. We need your help to keep this community strong, both now and in the future. Donate now.

Or consider a donation to the Actors Benevolent Fund of NSW, an organisation that responds to immediate needs of artists in crisis. Donate now